Industrial growth rose to 5.2 per cent in November
Factory output grew by 5.2 per cent in November, government data released on Friday showed. The growth, measured on the basis of changes in Index of Industrial Production (IIP), was 3.5 per cent in October.
According to a Statistics Ministry, the growth rates of the three sectors, Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity for the month of November were 1.9 per cent, 5.8 per cent and 4.4 per cent respectively. These were 0.9 per cent, 4.4 per cent and 2.8 per cent in October
Within the manufacturing sector, 18 out of 23 industry groups at NIC 2 digit-level have recorded a positive growth in November. The top three positive contributors for the month of November were – ‘Manufacture of basic metals’ (7.6 per cent), ‘Manufacture of electrical equipment’ (37.2 per cent) and ‘Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products’ (12 per cent).
In the industry group “Manufacture of basic metals”, item groups “Galvanized products of Steel (including colour coated tin plates, TMBP and Tin free steel)”, “Pipes and tubes of Steel”, “Flat products of Alloy Steel” have shown significant contribution in growth.